You have 6 blocks in class to complete this:
- 1 on Thursday Week 2
- 3 on Friday Week 2
- 2 on Monday Week 3
Presentation of your ideas will be on Tuesday Week 3. We will then reflection where we are at on the SAT (Summative Assessment Task) rubric.
Holly and Ryan
Kaelim, Jack D, Jason, Dylan
Amy, Tiana, Annabelle, Kayla
Poster 2:
Darbie, Juliet, Libby, Waimere
Poster 3 Video/iMovie 2
Jack M, Jake, Kyle, Damian
Fiona, Ting-wei, Giorgia, Aysha
Pamphlet 2:
Emelia, Molly, Alycia, Lucy
Pamphlet 3:
Alycia, Lucy
Christian, Tyler
Morgan to join a group (away)
Sami to help others (not at camp)