
What do I do?
Your aim is to find some words, learn them, and complete an activity.

How do I?
How you do it is really up to you, but not learning them is not an option because many of these words are the very basic foundation of what you need to know in order to communicate clearly in writing.

Where do I get my words?

Here is a list, in order of priority, of where your words will come from (found in class but soon to be linked here):

1. Essential word lists 1-7 (Spell-write)
2. GAP test (in class)
5. Spelling mistakes in your writing and UOI books (in class)
3. Commonly misspelt words (Spell-write)
4. Common misspellings (Collins dictionary)
6. Spelling Bee list 2012 Year 5/6
7. Commonly confused words (Oxford online dictionary)
8. Commonly confused words (Collins Dictionary)
9. Spelling Bee list 2012 Years 7/8
10. Spelling Bee list 2013 Years 7/8

Keep a record of what words you have learnt (I recommend highlighting the ones you have completed).


Click here to view in full (ignore the "due Thursday")

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