Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Summative Task HTWW

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How The World Works
Technological and scientific advances impact our world

Battle of the Advancements
Assessment Checklist
Need for revision outweighs strengths, some expectations met with frequent support
Developing: Strengths and need for revision about equal, expectations met with basic proficiency
On balance the strengths outweigh the challenges, small amount of support or revision is needed
All expectations met with a high level of proficiency
Exceeds many expectations and/or displays a very high level of proficiency
Written Persuasive argument
Structure: Has a clear layout: thesis statement that clearly outlines the position, uses paragraphing to share main points with elaboration (usually in the form of supporting evidence), the conclusion restates the writer’s position and/or makes a recommendation for action.
Includes a detailed explanation of a technological or scientific advancement.

Language features: Uses features appropriate to persuasion which includes:
  • Language that appeals to the reader's senses and emotions.
  • Technical language related to the topic (where appropriate) which gives credibility to the argument.
  • Conjunctions that express relationships: (in addition to, so, and , if and then).

Message: Detailed explanation of a technological or science advancement. Arguments backed by first hand/researched evidence.
Persuades audience.

3D Construction
Form: A 3D construction that connects to the technological or scientific advancement. Model may be the whole or a part of the advancement. Mixed materials. Recommended size: A4 ream box.

Label: Clearly tagged. Explains the connection between the 3D construction and the scientific or technological advancement. Includes any other significant background information.

Final Presentation
Message: Content is comprehensive and a position is clearly argued. All members have an in­-depth understanding of the technological or scientific advancement and can articulate this.

Oral presentation: Audience is fully engaged by a creative and effective presentation.
Presentation is prepared and well rehearsed.

Inquiry Process
UoI book: Appropriate stages of the inquiry process are clearly outlined in book and have been signed off by teacher.

Central Idea: Clearly connects thinking and learning to the central idea (technological and scientific advancements impact our world).

How the World Works 2016

Keeping track of our guided Inquiry
1. Tuning In
Brain dump and (NESW) Need to Know , Excited About Suggestions to find Out, Wondering About
Decide on a scientific or technological advancement that your group will pursue.

2. Finding Out
Research started
Notes recorded
Primary source accessed
Sources of research acknowledged

3. Sorting Out and Making Connections
Notes are organised into an order in inquiry book
Function; of scientific or technological advancement clarified
Change; consequences/impact over time identified
Prioritised information to share
Written persuasive argument completed

4. Going Further
Any new questions that have arisen recorded and researched
Can your group take this a step further - explain any refinements or changes
Create 3D construction with accompanying tag
Put oral presentation together

5. Reflecting and Taking Action
Final oral presentation delivered
Filled in self and peer evaluation
Summary statement reflecting what you’ve learnt - this summary statement clearly connects thinking and learning to the central idea.

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