How The World Works
Technological and scientific advances impact our world
Battle of the Advancements
Assessment Checklist |
Need for revision outweighs strengths, some expectations met with frequent support |
Developing: Strengths and need for revision about equal, expectations met with basic proficiency
On balance the strengths outweigh the challenges, small amount of support or revision is needed |
All expectations met with a high level of proficiency |
Exceeds many expectations and/or displays a very high level of proficiency |
Written Persuasive argument
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Structure: Has a clear layout: thesis statement that clearly outlines the position, uses paragraphing to share main points with elaboration (usually in the form of supporting evidence), the conclusion restates the writer’s position and/or makes a recommendation for action.
Includes a detailed explanation of a technological or scientific advancement. | |||||
Language features: Uses features appropriate to persuasion which includes:
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Message: Detailed explanation of a technological or science advancement. Arguments backed by first hand/researched evidence.
Persuades audience. | |||||
3D Construction
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Form: A 3D construction that connects to the technological or scientific advancement. Model may be the whole or a part of the advancement. Mixed materials. Recommended size: A4 ream box.
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Label: Clearly tagged. Explains the connection between the 3D construction and the scientific or technological advancement. Includes any other significant background information.
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Final Presentation
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Message: Content is comprehensive and a position is clearly argued. All members have an in-depth understanding of the technological or scientific advancement and can articulate this.
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Oral presentation: Audience is fully engaged by a creative and effective presentation.
Presentation is prepared and well rehearsed. | |||||
Inquiry Process
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UoI book: Appropriate stages of the inquiry process are clearly outlined in book and have been signed off by teacher.
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Central Idea: Clearly connects thinking and learning to the central idea (technological and scientific advancements impact our world).
How the World Works 2016
Keeping track of our guided Inquiry
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1. Tuning In
Brain dump and (NESW) Need to Know , Excited About Suggestions to find Out, Wondering About
Decide on a scientific or technological advancement that your group will pursue.
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2. Finding Out
Research started
Notes recorded
Primary source accessed
Sources of research acknowledged
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3. Sorting Out and Making Connections
Notes are organised into an order in inquiry book
Function; of scientific or technological advancement clarified
Change; consequences/impact over time identified
Prioritised information to share
Written persuasive argument completed
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4. Going Further
Any new questions that have arisen recorded and researched
Can your group take this a step further - explain any refinements or changes
Create 3D construction with accompanying tag
Put oral presentation together | ||
5. Reflecting and Taking Action
Final oral presentation delivered
Filled in self and peer evaluation
Summary statement reflecting what you’ve learnt - this summary statement clearly connects thinking and learning to the central idea.
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