Friday 2 December 2016

Dear Future students...

Task: Write a letter addressed to a future student with advice for succeeding in the class

Step 1:

Brainstorm what you might want to tell someone who is about to spend a year in Mr Ahie's class.

Key Questions:

- What do they need to know in order to survive with Mr Ahie?
- What will it take for students to succeed in this class? Suggest a few examples of how to do well (even if you didn’t) and what to do so that they can get most out of this class. Explain using specific examples & details.
- What are some of the funny incidents that we have encountered in his class?
- What will they be learning about?
- What are things to do and not to do?
- What is Mr Ahie the teacher like?

Key Language:

You should...
It’s a good idea to...
If I were you, I’d...

An idea to get you started:

Dear Future Students of Mr Ahie,

I am writing you this letter to inform you of what you are about to encounter over the next year. With every teacher and every class, you will encounter different rules and different challenges. It is in this letter that I will tell you about Mr Ahie rules and some stories our class has experienced this year.

The most important thing to remember is....

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