Friday 4 March 2016

Summative Task: Who We Are

  1. Glue this into your book
  2. Brainstorm the different communities you are a part of
  3. Glue in the handout below and put 'communities' in the centre. 
  4. Fill out the handout
  5. Show the teacher before you go to break


  1. Going through the summative task questions in detail. Research can be done in your U.O.I. books or on your blog. (Note: some questions do not require research. E.g. #4 and #7
  2. Show the teacher once this part is done before you start planning your pamphlet.

  1. Check out these pamphlet examples
  2. Beginning planning your pamphlet in your U.O.I. book with the template below.
  3. Make sure it has the relevant information and it is set up well.
  4. Show the teacher once you have planned it


  1. Start creating your pamphlet on an A4 piece of paper. If you would like to do it digitally, then I expect it to be embedded on your blog.

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